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10 Best Books on Magical Realism

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BOOK : One Hundred Years of Solitude  by Gabriel García Márquez A seminal work in Latin-American literature, following seven generations of the Buendia family in Macondo, exploring themes of history and fate

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BOOK : Life of Pi  by Yann Martel: A novel about a boy stranded at sea with a Bengal tiger, prompting reflections on the subjectivity of reality

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BOOK : Red Sorghum  by Mo Yan Weaving folklore into real-life events like the Second Sino-Japanese War, blending fantasy and reality to create a complex narrative

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BOOK : The House of the Spirits  by Isabel Allende An epic multigenerational novel centered around the Trueba family and their clairvoyant matriarch, Clara

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BOOK : The Ocean at the End of the Lane  by Neil Gaiman Explores childhood and adulthood through magical elements, revealing extraordinary memories from the protagonist's youth

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BOOK : The Master and Margarita  by Mikhail Bulgakov:  A critique of Soviet Union politics where Satan visits, mixing social satire with supernatural elements

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BOOK : Like Water for Chocolate  by Laura Esquivel Features a protagonist who imparts emotions through cooking, delving into love and family dynamics

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BOOK : Kafka on the Shore  by Haruki Murakami A popular magical realism book exploring mystical elements within realistic settings

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BOOK : Practical Magic  by Alice Hoffman: Blends magic with everyday life in a story about two sisters with magical abilities

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BOOK : The Shadow of the Wind  by Carlos Ruiz Zafón A tale set in post-war Barcelona intertwining mystery, romance, and magical elements