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10 Best Books For Your Children

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BOOK : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone  by J.K. Rowling

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DESCRIPTION:A magical adventure that follows Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, perfect for young readers who love fantasy and friendship

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BOOK : You Are A  Champion  by Marcus Rashford A motivational book that encourages children to believe in themselves and achieve their goals

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Book: The Starlight Stables Gang  by Esme Higgs, Jo Cotterill & others -  A series about a group of friends who solve mysteries and have adventures at their local stables

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BOOK : Kay's Marvellous Medicine series  by Adam Kay  A humorous and imaginative series about a young girl who creates a magical medicine

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Book: The Graveyard Book  by Neil Gaiman  A fantasy tale about a boy raised by ghosts in a graveyard

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BOOK : A Tale Dark and Grimm  by Adam Gidwitz  A retelling of classic Grimm fairy tales with a dark and humorous twist

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Book: The Wrinkle in Time series  by Madeleine L'Engle A science fiction and fantasy series about a girl searching for her missing father

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BOOK : The Ranger's Apprentice series  by John Flanagan  A medieval adventure series about a young boy who becomes an apprentice to a Ranger

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Book: Redwall series  by Brian Jacques  A series of epic fantasy novels set in the world of Redwall Abbey