BOOK : The Witches: Salem, 1692by Stacy SchiffAn engaging account of the events surrounding the Salem Witch Trials, offering insight into the suspicion, betrayal, and hysteria of that time
BOOK : A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Witch Trials and the American Experienceby Emerson Baker
BOOK : The Salem Witch Trials ReaderA collection of primary source documents from the time of the trials, providing valuable insights into the historical context and events
BOOK : Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraftby Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum
BOOK : The Physick Book of Deliverance Daneby Katherine Howe
BOOK : The Heretic's Daughterby Kathleen KentA historical novel narrated through the eyes of Martha Carrier's daughter, offering a poignant portrayal of one of the accused women during the trials
BOOK : Six Women of Salem: The Untold Story of the Accused and Their Accusers in the Salem Witch Trialsby Marilynne K. Roach
BOOK : A Delusion of Satan: The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trialsby Frances Hill
BOOK : The Specter of Salem: Remembering the Salem Witch Trials in Nineteenth Century America by Gretchen Adams
BOOK : Conversionby Katherine HoweA novel that intertwines modern-day high school drama with historical events from the Salem Witch Trials, creating a captivating narrative
BOOK : Lies in the Dust: A Tale of Remorse from the Salem Witch Trialsby Jakob Crane: