"Heir to the Empire" by Timothy Zahn: This novel is set five years after "Return of the Jedi" and follows the efforts of the New Republic to defend itself against the remnants of the Empire.
"Dark Force Rising"by Timothy Zahn: The second book in the Thrawn Trilogy, it continues the story of the struggle between the New Republic and the Empire, with Luke, Leia, and Han Solo at the center of the action.
"The Last Command"The final book in the Thrawn Trilogy, it concludes the conflict between the New Republic and the Empire, and the showdown with Grand Admiral Thrawn.
"Lost Stars" by Claudia Gray: A young adult novel that spans the entire original "Star Wars" trilogy, "Lost Stars" tells the story of two childhood friends who find themselves on opposite sides of the Galactic Civil War.
"Tarkin" by James Luceno: This book explores the backstory of Grand Moff Tarkin, the ruthless Imperial officer, and his rise to power within the Empire.
"Lords of the Sith"by Paul S. Kemp: Set between Episodes III and IV, this novel focuses on the relationship between Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine as they face a rebellion on the planet Ryloth.
"Thrawn" by Timothy Zahn: A more recent addition to the "Star Wars" literary universe, this novel provides an origin story for the popular character Grand Admiral Thrawn, detailing his rise through the ranks of the Imperial Navy.
"Aftermath" by Chuck Wendig: The first book in a trilogy, "Aftermath" is set in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor and follows the struggle to establish a New Republic while the remnants of the Empire regroup.
"Phasma" by Delilah S. Dawson: This novel explores the mysterious and formidable Captain Phasma, a prominent character in the sequel trilogy, and delves into her enigmatic past and motivations.
"Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel" by James Luceno: This prequel to "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" delves into the background of the Death Star and the events leading up to the film.